I have to say that I am super SUPER excited about the turn out with the 2 contests we have going on. It's amazing how supportive the friends and families are in spreading the word so they can win this!
Not only are the friends and family so supportive of their loved ones, they have been supportive in "LIKING" Urban Butterfly Photography's Facebook page, creating a 724% increase in "LIKES" since February 1st when voting started! YES, 724%!!! My hat goes off to all the families participating in the contests and all that they have done to support the growth of Urban Butterfly Photography's fans. My goal is to give back and offer a promotion at the end of this that will give everybody an opportunity to make an appointment with Urban Butterfly Photography with a generous discount as a Thank You!!! More to come as we near the end of the contest voting. =)
Now on to some (so far) competition results: (I have to say there has been some hard core work from these Proud Mommies)
Keeping a HUGE lead we have: Matias with 105 "LIKES"What a SWEET SMILE!!!! <3
Then in second place we have Corbin with 97 "LIKES" After all the issues we had getting Corbin entered, his mom did not waste a second spreading the word!! HE IS SO HANDSOME!!!!
And right on Corbin's cute little heels is the youngest of the bunch, but don't let his age fool you! His MOMMY is determined to show the world the winner that CAMERON is!! soooo precious.....
Cameron is a fighter and his power naps are his secret weapon!!! 77 3rd Place "LIKES" are only temporary!!!
There are many more CUTIE's in this contest and feel free to check out the Albums at Urban Butterfly Photography (Don't forget to "LIKE" the page) If we reach 500 "Likes" by February 14th, 2nd and 3rd Place winners will receive a FREE Regular Session just like the 1st Place Winner!!!
I am so excited and I cannot wait to announce winners when this is over. And most of all I cannot wait to take wonderful and exciting pictures of such Beautiful, sweet and precious little ones!
I have to thank Reagan, my daughter, one more time for such a great idea! It really is working!
Have a blessed Sunday Friends!
Susan =)